Eric Rivera

Eric Rivera

Public Relations ManagerNew York, United States
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Eric Rivera

Eric Rivera

Public Relations ManagerNew York, United States
Projects credited in
    LIFESTYLEPurple’s Lifestyle team delivers expert consultancy and communication strategies across a diverse selection of clients, utilising our vast network of contacts to create unique brand associations and collaborations, servicing clients ranging from luxury hotels and resorts to Michelin-starred restaurants, world-renowned clubs, property and luxury consumer goods. Clients are: BLOOM Retreats by Lynne Franks Brooklyn Bowl London Chotto Matte Coal Vaults Coya Fazenda Nova Design Research Studio Francis Ford Coppola Resorts Generator Hostels Guillaume Alan Harbor’s Edge Hunton Ian Schrager Malmaison Mazi NEO Bankside Palazzo Margherita Pavilion Peg + Patriot Pierre Hermé Paris Silencio Strip Bar & Steak The Residences at Miami Beach EDITION The London EDITION The Arts Club The Norman Tel Aviv Town Hall Hotel Typing Room Wanderlust Waterford Wedgwood White Lyan
  • WeWork Summer Camp
    WeWork Summer Camp2018 was the seventh annual Summer Camp which saw 8,000 people from around the world come together as a community at Eridge Park, a wooden area 40 miles southeast of London, for a long weekend of music, food, outdoor activities, and opportunities to improve their skills or learn more about themselves. Most attendees were employees at WeWork, a number that has more than doubled over the past year to include more than 6,000 people. WeWork staffers consider Summer Camp a chance to bond with collea
  • WeWork Creator Awards 2017
    WeWork Creator Awards 2017Applications for the London Regional Finals are due by August 24, 2017. Apply now
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